Kingsway School District accepted Inspira Health’s offer to help all school districts in our community with a cost-efficient purchase of the personal protective equipment (PPE) they would need to safely re-open their schools.
Joe Hreno, left, corporate director of Supply Chain for Inspira Health, delivered a supply of PPE to: Melvin Allen, principal of Kingsway Regional High School; James Zurzolo, assistant principal; and school nurses Rose Fredericks, RN, Chrissy Ludlam, RN, and Barbara Neal, RN.
In mid-July, Inspira hosted a Virtual Town Hall for School Administrators and Nurses in Cumberland, Salem and Gloucester counties to share expertise gained from the network’s experience in this pandemic, as well as to answer questions from the 150 participants. During the town hall, Inspira offered to share resources for the PPE purchasing process.