The residency programs benefit from your knowledge and experience as physicians. Here are eight things you should know about graduate medical education at Inspira:
- More than 1,100 applicants applied for 113 residency positions at Inspira in 2023
- Inspira will train 277 medical residents in 15 programs as of July 1, 2023
- A new Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency launches on July 1—first in New Jersey south of Edison; one of only five in the Delaware Valley
- Fellowship opportunities at Inspira include Critical Care and Obesity Medicine
- Inspira’s residency programs meet the same national standards as Yale Medicine, Stanford Health Care, Johns Hopkins Medicine and other esteemed programs
- Inspira’s residents participate in research, serving as co-investigators for clinical trials, presenting at national conferences and co-authoring articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Inspira medical residents receive J.E.D.I. training (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
- Graduate medical education plays a key role in Inspira’s strategy to mitigate the local impact of the national physician shortage

A Message from Dr. Geria:
On June 13 we graduated 77 residents from 10 programs. In less than two weeks, we will welcome 112 new residents into 15 programs. The faces and names change. The enthusiasm, intellectual curiosity and desire to become a skilled physician do not.
We were all residents once, and still hold dear the memories of attending physicians who shaped the way we practice today. I encourage you to welcome our new residents with open arms. Teach and mentor them as your time permits. Training the next generation of physicians is a sacred responsibility.
Please contact me if you are interested in being more involved in graduate medical education at Inspira Health. Thank you for all you do to support our residents.
Michael Geria, D.O.
Vice President of Graduate Medical Education
Inspira Health