Setting our New Year’s Intention
Hello, and welcome to the January installment of Provider Inspiration.

I hope you had a relaxing, safe and happy holiday season. 2020 was a year full of challenges. Yet in the midst of these great challenges came great news: Not only did Inspira Medical Centers Elmer and Vineland receive “A” ratings in the fall 2020 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, but Inspira Medical Center Elmer earned the 2021 Women’s Choice Award for America’s Best Hospitals for Orthopedics and Patient Safety while Inspira Medical Center Vineland earned the 2021 Women’s Choice Award for Best Mammogram Imaging Center.
These awards are a testament to the unwavering support of you, our providers. In the midst of a global pandemic, you stayed committed. I am so grateful for your willingness to adjust and adapt at a moment’s notice, especially with the redeployment of staff to support our inpatient resources to address the unprecedented volume of COVID-19 patients. Not only have you adjusted your schedules and office settings, but your willingness to delve into telemedicine has created newfound accessibility to patients throughout the community.
We strongly encourage you to tell your patients that we are here for them, especially when they are sick. We must convey that getting the COVID-19 vaccine is safe. As we continue to distribute vaccines in the new year, we will update you every step of the way.
We must convey that managing their health is essential. And most importantly, we must convey that we are actively working to improve and expand Inspira’s offerings on a daily basis. I am pleased to share with you some exciting news across Inspira, including the opening of the East Vineland Gynecology Office, enhancing our minimally invasive spinal surgeries, broadening of women’s services and expanding our dietary and bariatric support.
In a time of social isolation, we must make a concerted effort to stay even more connected. I cannot express my gratitude for your dedication to keeping your patients updated, checking on their health status and caring for your staff. Thank you for your hard work and thank you for making this family better each and every day. My door is always open.
Be safe and be well,
Amy Mansue
President and CEO