Inspira Health has certified training programs for physician residents in eight clinical and subspecialty areas, including General Surgery, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Critical Care Medicine, and the Traditional Rotating Intern preliminary year. As an academic teaching network, Inspira faculty constantly read about new developments in the medical literature and examine our own clinical experiences in an ongoing effort to maximize the quality of medical care that we deliver, and to share with the medical world when we have learned that may help other patients. From these faculty examples, Inspira encourages trainees in each of the specialty teaching programs to carry out their own clinical research projects. Many of these resident studies, mentored by Inspira faculty physicians, are accepted for presentation at national scientific meetings and published in peer-reviewed journals.
The Inspira Resident Research Day is our annual showcase for the academic accomplishments achieved by Inspira residents and fellows. The 2021 Research Day features 46 papers, the top 8 of which are to be presented as oral podium lectures. The rest are on the Inspira website as e-posters. Please join us and enjoy the scientific acumen of our Inspira residents and fellows.