Combatting Workplace Violence and Reducing Opioid Diversion and Misuse

Hello and welcome to the April edition of Provider Inspiration.
I’m pleased to share that Inspira Health Network’s Board of Trustees recently approved a group of new board leaders. I want to give a warm welcome to former NJHA president and CEO, Betsy Ryan, Esq., in her new position as Inspira board chair. Filling out the leadership of the board are Dawn Flitcraft, president of FLS Life Sciences, as board vice chair; Robert L. Hickok, general counsel at Cattail LLC, as board secretary; and Toni Pergolin, president of Bancroft, as board treasurer.
As South Jersey continues to feel the effects of the opioid epidemic, Inspira’s NICU team recently marked one year of using a new care model for drug-exposed infants: Eat, Sleep, Console. Since implementation, 41 babies at risk for developing neonatal abstinence syndrome were treated with this model of care at Vineland; 39 of those babies required no medications related to withdrawal. And these babies were in the NICU for a total of 350 days less than what would have been expected if they received traditional treatment for opioid exposure.
By now, you are probably aware that Inspira has revised its masking policy, as have many other health systems in our region. For details, please click here. We will continue to base our policies on guidance from the CDC and the New Jersey Department of Health.
In this edition of Provider Inspiration, we’re sharing more information about Inspira’s efforts to combat workplace violence and address prescription opioid abuse in the South Jersey community.
As always, thank you for everything you do.
Be well and stay safe,
Amy Mansue
President and CEO