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In this informational video, Bariatric Surgery Program Coordinator, Tiffany Lilly MSN, RN, CBN discusses the importance of goal setting and why it is critical to success before and after surgery. This includes the psychology behind how we set goals, why it’s important to create SMART goals, celebrating small achievements, overcoming obstacles, and how to stay motivated.

Please ensure that you are in a quiet environment with minimal distractions for this session.  It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  There will be a 5-question quiz at the end of the session.  You must complete the quiz to receive your certificate.

Information Session & Quiz

***If this is an emergency or you are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, or an allergic reaction, please call 911 or report to your closest Emergency Room immediately. Do not use this form for urgent medical needs.


Now that you have watched the information session videos, complete the quiz below. A score of 4 out 5 correct is required for your certificate of completion. Should you score less than 4 out of 5, please rewatch the videos and complete the quiz again.

We set goals for all of the follow reasons except which answer?
The acronym SMART stands for
Which of the follow is NOT an example of a SMART goal?
What is the best thing we can do to not allow obstacles to defeat us?
Which answer is NOT a way to stay motivated?
11 + 6 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Which surgeon do you prefer or are currrently seeing?

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