The bariatric support network at Inspira Health helps empower individuals as they prepare for...
Read MoreWhen other weight loss methods have failed, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, also know simply as gastric bypass, may be an option. Inspira offers minimally invasive gastric bypass surgery to help you reach your wellness goals.
Gastric bypass surgery helps you lose weight by reducing the size of your upper stomach to the approximate size of an egg. This method allows you to lose weight more efficiently by restricting the amount of food you can consume, resulting in fewer calories absorbed by your body. In addition, those who lose weight with gastric bypass surgery can benefit from:
Inspira uses a laparoscopic approach to gastric bypass surgery, resulting in shorter post-operative hospital stays, fewer complications, less pain and faster recovery than traditional surgery. And our weight management providers, dietitians and peer support groups ensure that you have a lifetime of support keeping the weight off.
During gastric bypass surgery, your surgeon will make a few small incisions to access your stomach using a laparoscope, a thin tool with a camera attached. The surgeon will then staple the top portion of the stomach to create a small, egg-sized pouch that can hold roughly one ounce of food—far less than the one quart an average adult stomach can hold.
Once the egg-sized pouch is created, the surgeon will connect the pouch to part of the small intestine called the Roux limb, forming a “Y” shape and allowing food to bypass the lower, larger pouch of the stomach. Bypassing most of the stomach reduces the amount of fat and calories your body absorbs from the food you consume.
In order to qualify for gastric bypass surgery, you must attend at least one information session and meet with a bariatric specialist to determine your eligibility. You may be a candidate if you:
If you receive clearance from the multi-disciplinary bariatric team, your procedure will be scheduled. This minimally invasive procedure takes several hours to complete, and you may stay in the hospital for 2 to 5 days. After the procedure, your doctor, dietitian and support team will work with you to fine-tune your diet and exercise routine. Because gastric bypass affects calorie absorption, it can also reduce the absorption of essential vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Your physician may recommend incorporating daily multivitamins and other supplements into your diet.
The amount of weight you lose and keep off will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt long-term lifestyle changes. On average, those who have gastric bypass surgery lose about 50-80 percent of their excess body weight. Excess body weight is measured by subtracting your ideal body weight from your current weight.
You will be out of work for 1-3 weeks, depending on factors including procedure success, complications and status of healing. You will not be able to lift anything heavy for 3-4 weeks after surgery.
After surgery you will be on a staged diet that starts with liquids, slowly working up to soft textures and then solid foods over the 30 days after surgery.
The bariatric support network at Inspira Health helps empower individuals as they prepare for...
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Shelly Voros was no stranger to life’s challenges - or operating rooms - when she decided to have...
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Inspira Health announced today that its bariatric surgery programs at Inspira Medical Centers...
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