Inspira’s skilled surgeons are trained in the latest techniques, performing minimally invasive surgeries whenever possible to reduce damage to surrounding organs and tissues.
Inspira’s Approach to Surgical Oncology
Our surgical oncologists are specially-trained to choose the best type of surgical intervention for your condition. For some types of cancer surgeries this includes state-of-the-art robotic and minimally invasive options such as laparoscopic surgery, to reduce recovery time after surgery. With traditional open or minimally invasive procedures we utilize Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols designed to achieve early recovery after surgical procedures by maintaining preoperative organ function and reducing the profound stress response following surgery.
Robotic Surgery Excellence
Our Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery is equipped with the da Vinci® Surgical System, a state-of-the-art, minimally-invasive surgical robot. This cutting-edge surgical technology allows our cancer surgeons to target tumors with incredible accuracy, remove them with greater precision and speed up recovery times for patients.
If you’d like more information about your or a loved one’s cancer care, or to receive a second opinion about a diagnosis, our team is here to help.
Types of Surgical Oncology We Offer
Inspira’s surgical oncologists perform an array of procedures and are equipped to treat:
Breast cancer: We offer minimally invasive biopsy procedures for diagnosing breast cancer. Surgical treatment for breast cancer at Inspira uses SAVI SCOUT® [link] a leading-edge technology for locating tumors with pinpoint accuracy to spare healthy breast tissue. Surgical options also include advanced reconstructive surgery.
Colorectal cancer: We offer minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgical techniques for colorectal cancer. Robotic surgery allows surgeons to perform complex colorectal cancer operations with improved visualization and smaller incisions. Inspira has implemented an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program, shown to improve recovery while reducing opioid requirements, length of stay and readmission rates after colorectal surgery.
Gynecological cancers: Gynecologic oncology services provide treatment options for women with cancer and precancerous diseases of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, vulva and vagina. Our physicians have both the compassion and training to care for those who have gynecological cancers or who are at risk for developing these diseases.
Our gynecologic oncologists will complete a thorough evaluation of a person’s disease to determine the appropriate treatment option. If surgery is necessary, in some cases it can be performed at Inspira by the gynecologic oncologist in conjunction with the person’s OB/GYN.
Hepatobiliary (HPB) cancer: HPB cancers affect the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. Surgery to treat these cancers requires specialized training and access to leading-edge surgical technology.
Lung cancer: Our cancer team provides several treatment options including minimally invasive and video-assisted thoracotomy, mediastinoscopy and lung resection.
Skin cancer: Surgery is the most common treatment option for skin cancers like melanoma. Our surgical oncologists use a variety of traditional and laser surgeries to remove skin cancer with minimal scarring and downtime.
Prostate cancer: If surgical removal of the prostate gland is necessary, we offer a minimally invasive da Vinci® prostatectomy—the new standard for the surgical treatment of prostate cancer. We also offer minimally invasive cryotherapy for prostate cancer, which freezes prostate tissue and causes cancer cells to die.